Colville Care FAQ's

Selecting a nursing home is a very important choice, and leads to many questions. Below are some questions that we regularly encounter.

How much will it cost?

Our fees include all nursing care, where provided, personal care, accommodation, laundry and all meals. Fees are based upon the needs of the client, but will generally fall into three bands of care. In addition to the basic fees an amenity charge is made for superior rooms.

Nursing Clients who are funding their own care are entitled to be assessed for 'Free Nursing Care' which is paid at a flat rate by the NHS.

Full details of our fees are available direct from each home.

Can I come and try living at one of your homes?

Yes, we can arrange a short stay for you, to see how you find the service and accommodation.

Can I bring my own furniture?

Yes, small items of furniture may be brought to the home.

Can I bring my Pet?

No I'm afraid this is not possible.

Can my family stay over?

No I'm afraid not. We have extensive access for visits but cannot accommodate family members overnight.

What happens if I run out of money?

We would strongly advise that before choosing to move in to one of our homes that you seek financial advice to understand your financial position, we do have financial advisors who look after the financial planning of some of our current residents and can if you wish arrange for these to complete a financial appraisal with you. We will work with you to ensure that the local authority finds an alternative option for you should you end up in this position.

How do I know that I will get the personal care I need?

We will discuss personal and medical care needs before the stay commences, and develop a Personal Care plan for you.

Does the home offer a choice of menu?

Yes, we have a full menu at lunch time and in the evening.

What if I don't want all my meals in the dining room?

You are welcome to take your meals in your room if you prefer.

Is the staff training linked to a national scheme?

All our team are qualified in their respective positions, everyone irrespective of position is trained in first aid, core health & safety and fire evacuation procedures. It is a mandatory requirement that all our care staff train to a minimum of NVQ 2 in health & social care.

What types of social activities are provided?

A range of social activities are provided during the day. These are either group based or one to one sessions.

Do I have to label my clothes if I am using your laundry services?

Yes, we can supply labels for your clothes for a nominal charge.

Are all areas connected for internet access?

The internet access varies across our homes, check on the page for each home to view the facilities available.

Can I have a drink in the evening?

You are welcome to ask for a drink or a snack at any time of the day.